Solstice Capital

Solstice Capital

Launch date
Salem Oregon (HQ)

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Solstice Capital Skip navigation Home Approach Team Portfolio Media Contact From Boston to Tucson Solstice Capital seeks superior venture capital returns for its limited partners through investments in seed- and early-stage companies in the industry areas of alternative energy, education, the environment, life sciences and information technology. Solstice's unique assets give it a distinct advantage: a seasoned management team with over 90 years of experience in both venture investing and operations in high-growth companies an emphasis on positive impact investing the appropriate size fund for early-stage companies geographic diversification The first Solstice fund, formed in 1995, invested in 21 portfolio companies. In July 2001, Solstice Capital formed Solstice Capital II Limited Partnership, a $62 million early-stage venture fund, which has invested in 24 companies. Solstice Capital currently has $85 million of capital under management. From its inception, Solstice has demonstrated its commitment to provide both capital and expert guidance to assist portfolio companies as they deal with the challenges and opportunities of growth. An early-stage, diversified, positive impact venture fund Solstice is committed to investing 50% of its capital in information technology and 50% in the following socially responsive investment categories: Alternative Energy The Environment Life Sciences Education Investment Criteria: We consider the following criteria when evaluating prospective portfolio companies: Committed and experienced management Products or services, and their relationship to accessible markets Sustainable unfair advantage (i.e. technology, distribution arrangements, or other factors that provide long term advantages over competitors) Change factors, like technological and societal shifts, which may be creating this investment opportunity Solstice places special emphasis on change factors. In evaluating investment opportunities, Solstice tries to understand why an opening exists for a new entrant into the industry at this time. Solstice Capital 81 Washington Street, Suite 303, Salem, MA 01970 Site created by SelectEdit Investment Professionals Affiliations Information Technology Life Sciences Clean Tech Other Archive