

A non-profit initiative to offer free mentorship to women, PoC, and other underrepresented groups in tech. Learn more

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More about Tupu

Tupu.io is a non-profit initiative to offer free mentorship to women, people of color, and other minorities in the tech industry.

** Join as a mentor to help directly improving diversity in tech.

Anyone that has more than 4-5 years of experience in tech, can become a mentor. If you are thinking that it’s too early in your career to be a mentor, it’s probably not true. A lot of successful mentorship relationships work at almost a peer level. If you are thinking that you don’t have much advice to give, that is definitely not true! The sum of your experiences is the most valuable thing you have and you can use it to help others.

Statistics say that close to 40 percent of women with engineering degrees either leave the profession or never enter the field, and women quit jobs in tech at twice the rate that men do. By mentoring a woman or an underrepresented person in tech, you can help them stay in tech and have a successful career. Helping one or two persons might not seem like much, but direct 1-1 time is incredibly valuable, and this person will then mentor others, which at their turn will help even more people.

** Become a mentee to take the next step in your career!

Mentoring has been shown to drastically help people advance faster in their careers. If you are coming from an underrepresented group, you might not have as many individuals that you can relate with and discuss your work issues. By using Tupu, you can find a mentor that can be a sounding board for you and help you grow in the direction that you want. Quite often, just explaining the issue to a fresh set of ears and hearing their perspective makes all the difference.

Tupu.io is available for every role in tech (software engineer, SRE, manager, product manager, tech writer, marketing, etc.) and every career level (from juniors to C-level).